Emergency Management

There is no more important role of government than to provide for the safety of its citizens during an emergency. Effective communication and coordination of relief efforts are critical. TVi has partnered with many North American emergency management agencies to share best practices.

New York City Office of Emergency Management

Calgary Emergency Management Agency

New York City Office of Emergency Management’s facility  offers approximately 65,000 square feet and includes a 130-agency Emergency Operations Center, Watch Command, and press room with a direct feed to every news channel in New York. The building is supported by state-of-the-art audiovisual and information technology systems and full back-up generation. Tvi has worked with NYC OEM to arrange visits for government delegations interested in studying best practices and trends in municipal emergency management.
     1.   Name of Group:          AETELI
     2.  Size of Group:              16 + 1 interpreter
     3.  Time:                           1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
     4.  Host:                            NY City Office of Emergency Management 
     5.  To Meet:                      Deputy Commissioner of Information Tech.
     6.  Contents:                     – Overview of New York City OEM
                                               – Q & A Session
TVi has also worked closely with Canadian municipal governments to arrange technical visits focused on the sharing of emergency management knowledge, expertise, and best practices.  One such example was a technical visit arranged by TVi to the Calgary Emergency Management Agency (CEMA), including a tour of CEMA’s Emergency Operations Centre facility.
     1.   Name of Group:          AETELI
     2.  Size of Group:              17 + 1 interpreter
     3.  Time:                           10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
     4.  Host:                             Calgary Emergency Management Agency
     5.  To Meet:                       Chief and Deputy Chief
     6.  Contents:                     – Overview of CEMA
                                               – Q & A Session
                                               – Emergency Operations Centre tour
     7.  Topics:                         – Citizen emergency alert system  
                                               – Communication during an emergency
                                               – Public railway and transportation systems