A Message from Matthew Taylor, President

I founded Technical Visits International in 2004 after having helped grow and develop the Technical Visits Department of a major Japanese tour operator for nearly 8 years. Looking back, however, I believe the seeds for TVi were planted many years earlier during my college days at the University of California at Berkeley, where I majored in two interesting, but very disparate subjects: Integrative Biology and Russian Language & Literature.  

Always open to new experiences and with a strong desire to see the world, after graduation I took advantage of an opportunity to live and work as a teacher in Japan for three years, immersing myself in a culture quite new to me. This was my first time overseas and afforded me numerous real-life, hands-on opportunities to learn (and to teach) in a foreign setting.  

Following this incredibly valuable experience, my wife Joyce and I spent nearly 5 months traveling the globe learning so much about ourselves and the world in the process, and meeting so many wonderful people along the way. 

With nearly 20 countries and 38 U.S. states visited to date, travel has become such a key component of our lives with so much to see, learn, and experience!

With Technical Visits International, I have been blessed with the opportunity to create a company that combines two major themes of my life…the important role of  life-long learning and the amazing impact that international and domestic travel can have on one’s development and experience.  Any opportunity to travel can be wonderful, but combining international travel with purposeful, focused learning can be truly impactful and that is what TVi offers its clients.

Over the years, our company has developed numerous connections and contacts covering a wide array of industries, government agencies, non-profits, and academia. Let us share these connections, knowledge, and expertise to help create an unforgettable international study experience for your group!   

Safe travels!

Matthew W. Taylor